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Friday, October 18, 2013

Flashing Nanostation 5

Flashing Nanostation 5 from Windows 7 using Serial Port to put in Recovery Mode and tftp over Ethernet cable to flash the firmware.


Vaio Laptop VPCSB

Windows 7 almost default installation and updated

Nanostation 5 not connected to power, but connected to USB-TTL/Serial adapter
, and POE/Ethernet black cable connected to the Nanostation but not to the power adapter yet

Grey ethernet cable connected to Lan Port on power adapter but not connected to the laptop yet

USB-Serial/TTL adapter connected to NS5 but not yet to the computer


Download putty
Download NS5 firmware
Install tftp client on windows (Goto control panel -- programs -- enable windows features -- tftp client) (may need to restart windows)


Goto control panel -- devices and sound -- device manager and identify the com port that will appear in the next step

Connect USB adapter

Setup putty to connect to serial port on com port identified in the device manager, and set
baud 9600
data 8
stop bit 1
parity none
flow controle none
then click connect
now putty is ready to communicate/receive data from the nanostation

Connect NS5 to the power
ctrl+c in putty to get to Redboot
ur and hit enter to put NS5 in Recovery Mode
now tftp server has started on NS5 and awaiting connection from a tftp client and upload of firmware

Connect the grey cable from power adapter to computer
Open network settings and set ipv4 to and can leave gateway epmty or set it to

Open cmd and ping to confirm the network connection to the NS5 is working

Open a cmd and run the following command
tftp -i PUT Downloads/firmware-file-name.bin
Wait for firware to finish uploading then it will be written to the flash memory then NS5 will restart
You can see the progress in putty, which is showing data from the serial port of NS5

Now check in firefox

1 comment:

  1. Iam trying to do that without serial port but when I plug the cable from power adapter to my pc it does not detect anything it say unplug
    The cable is fine because i used it to get internet and works
    Is serial port required to let the pc detect the lan ?



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